Henry Reynolds

1800 - Oct 1886

Henry Reynolds was the seventh child and sixth son of William Reynolds and Jane Milliken. He was born in 1800 in, I believe, Adair County, Kentucky, and with his parents removed to Tennessee, where he was reared to manhood and married one Mary Brown.

Following in his father's footsteps he was a Blacksmith by trade and followed that purpose in middle Tennessee for a number of years. On February 19, 1832 Henry Runnels of Franklin county, Tennessee bought a one-half acre lot situated in the county of Jackson and town of Bellefonte, Alabama. (Runnels is the way our Reynolds was pronounced).

I believe Henry came to Bellefonte or Coffeetown - now called Langston - in Jackson County Alabama in the late 1830's early 1840's. There he also engaged in black smithing in connection with which he improved a farm, making it his home up to the time of his death which occurred in October, 1886, when he had attained the advanced age of eighty-six years.

He lived the life of a plain mechanic and farmer, never aspiring to public office but respected by all for his genuine worth of character. Mary Brown, his wife, who passed away in August 1844 was a daughter of John Brown, of Virginia, who became a pioneer resident of Alabama, where he followed farming throughout his remaining days.

In politics he was a Democrat and he became a highly respected and worthy resident of the community which he made his home. He was twice married, the children of the first union being Mrs. Rany A. Horton and Mrs. Mary Reynolds.

The children of the second marriage were William; Mort; James; Fred; Tom; Mrs Doretter "Dolly" Reynolds, the second wife of Henry Reynolds, whom he married after Mary's death. I'm not sure of the exact date of their marriage, however she was not listed with him on the Federal Census until 1870; and Ibby.

The children of the Reynolds family were Andrew, born around 1825/26 in Bedford County, Tennessee, who died around 1855/56 in Alabama leaving a widow Amy and two children; Sarah B. "Sally", the wife of Henry Dukes and my Great-Great Grandmother; John R., a blacksmith, and my Great-Great Grandfather; Arthur Campbell, who married Mary Malisa Loving and served in the Confederate Army.

Their next child, a daughter, Elizabeth, married William S. Wilborn; Mrs. Anna Maples, born in Bedford County in 1834, and died before 1880; David Richard, who served in the Confederate Army and married Judith Elizabeth Holder and Frances Melvina Coffman; Nancy B., who married Albert G. Brown.

Their last child, Mary Lucinda, born in Jackson County, Alabama on August 6, 1844. She married Gilbert Davis on February 12, 1861 in Jackson County and died on December 26, 1918. She is buried in the Langston Cemetery in Jackson County, Alabama.

It is believed that both Henry and Mary are buried in the Reynolds Cemetery in Jackson County, Alabama. I do know that Henry and his second Wife Dolly came to Texas and were at his son's, Arthur Campbell, in Montague County, when he became ill.

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Joe Reynolds

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